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NetSuite BoM Export


Who is the Oracle NetSuite™ BoM Export Tool For?
Users who need to exchange SOLIDWORKS PDM Bill of Materials and component data with Oracle NetSuite™
Many of our customers have a requirement to transfer SOLIDWORKS Bill of Material (BoM) data to other business systems, to eliminate the wasted time associated with manual data entry and to avoid the costly errors caused by mistyped information.

The Oracle NetSuite™ Bill of Materials (BoM) Export Add-in from Solid Solutions is configured with user defined BoM export Task which outputs SOLIDWORKS BoM data in several NetSuite™ compatible Microsoft Excel files.

Based on a 'Stock Category' variable value defined on the PDM Data Card, the BoM and component information is output into different Microsoft Excel files based on the following NetSuite™ categories:
  • Assembly Serialized
  • Assembly
  • Inventory Serialized
  • Inventory
  • Phantom
“In Oracle NetSuite™ Serialized inventory is a way to track the purchase and sale of physical inventory items by assigning a serial number to each item.”

The Export Task can be automatically triggered via a PDM workflow or manually initiated via a menu in PDM. The result files are exported to an external folder location.

 Solid Solutions | Trimech Group
